I have experience with a variety of portrait shots, and currently offer either a half day or whole day portrait shoot. Check out some examples of my work on the portrait photography page. Explore the package details below. Feel free to contact me if you have something more specific in mind.

Half Day Package*

Up to 4 people
Up to 4 hours
Max of 1 location
Digital files


Whole Day Package*

Up to 6 people
Up to 7 hours
Up to 2 locations
Digital files


*These packages do not include weddings. Contact me for pricing and information for weddings.*

Nature Photography

Nature photography is more of a passion of mine rather than a business. I enjoy capturing the beauty around me on my various travels. As such, I do not currently have any packages specifically for nature shoots. However, I am open to working on nature related projects. Message me if you have a project in mind and we can discuss details. Check out some of my nature shots on the nature photography page.